About Intro Image

Kristian Astel

  1. Role: Lawyer / Senior
  2. Education: University of Athens
  3. Joined: 2019
  4. E-Mail: [email protected]

About Kristian Astel


Kristian Astel completed his law studies in 1982 at the University of Athens. He has over 35 years of professional experience in tax and business consulting. Since 2019 he has been collaborating with the My Lawyers studio as a lawyer. For assistance in tax matters and credit recovery to find optimal solutions for the firm's national and international clients.


  • 1999-Expert in finance and controlling with federal diploma
  • 2003-Tax expert with federal diploma

Other roles and functions

Member of the board of directors of companies active in the industrial, banking, financial and services sectors.


Kristian Astel ha concluso gli studi in diritto nel 1982 presso l’Università Atene. Possiede oltre 35 anni di esperienza professionale nella consulenza fiscale e aziendale. Dal 2019 collabora con lo studio My Lawyers quale Avvocat. Per l’assistenza in materia fiscale e recupero crediti a trovare soluzioni ottimali per la clientela nazionale ed internazionale dello studio.


  • 1999-Esperto in finanza e controlling con diploma federale
  • 2003-Esperto fiscale con diploma federale

Altri ruoli e funzioni

Membro del consiglio di amministrazione di società attive nel settore industriale, bancario, finanziario e dei servizi.

Our professional Expert law team is always ready to serve you

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We’re always available for new cases big or small. Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly, or phone between 08:00 am and 17:00 pm Monday to Friday.